

Ubiquity Generator framework


UG is a generic framework to parallelize branch-and-bound based solvers (e.g., MIP, MINLP, ExactIP) in a distributed or shared memory computing environment.

  • Exploits powerful performance of state-of-the-art "base solvers", such as SCIP, Xpress, etc.
  • Without the need for base solver parallelization

Base solvers and communication libraries are abstracted within UG. A parallel solver instantiated by UG framework is named:

  • ug[Base solver, Communication libaray]

For questions about UG please write to Yuji Shinano For licensing questions, please see the license section of the web page and the contact provided there.


Nov/2024 Sixth beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 9.2.0
Jun/2024 Fifth beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 9.1.0
Feb/2024 Fourth beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0.0
Dec/2022 Third beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0.3
Jun/2022 Second beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0.1
15/Dec/2021 Beta version UG 1.0.0 released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0.0
16/Feb/2021 Launch of the website announcing the Second Intenational UG Workshop which will take place September 30 - October 1, 2021.
19/Dec/2020 Beta ug 0.9.1 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0.2.
23/Jun/2020 Beta ug 0.9.0 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0.1.
30/Mar/2020 Beta ug 0.8.9 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0.0.
10/Jul/2019 Beta ug 0.8.8 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0.2.
10/Jan/2019 Beta version ug 0.8.7 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0.1.
03/Jul/2018 Launch of the website announcing the First International UG Workshop which will take place at Zuse institute Berlin on January 14 - 16, 2019.
02/Jul/2018 Beta version ug 0.8.6 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0.0.
21/Dec/2017 Beta version UG 0.8.5 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 5.0.0.
01/Sep/2017 Beta version UG 0.8.4 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0.1.
09/Mar/2017 Beta version UG 0.8.3 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0.0.
29/Feb/2016 Beta version UG 0.8.2 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2.1.
31/Jul/2015 Patched version UG 0.8.1 is released, replacing UG 0.8.0 of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2.0.
01/Jul/2015 Beta version UG 0.8.0 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2.0.
18/Dec/2014 Beta version UG 0.7.5 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.1.1.
27/Feb/2014 Beta version UG 0.7.3 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.1.0.
25/Feb/2014 Website relaunched.
04/Jan/2013 Beta version UG 0.7.1 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.0.1.
01/Aug/2012 Beta version UG 0.7.0 is released as a part of the SCIP Optimization Suite 3.0.0.


UG is distributed under the Gnu Lesser General License. You are allowed to retrieve and use UG. If you modify the source code yourself, you have to publish it under the LGPL along with a copy of it (contained in the source distribution). If you want to use UG commercially or if you are interested in maintenance and support, please contact us by sending an email to Thorsten Koch.

Any publication for which UG is used must include an acknowledgment and a reference to the article:

Yuji Shinano, Tobias Achterberg, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, and Thorsten Koch,
ParaSCIP – a parallel extension of SCIP,
Competence in High Performance Computing 2010, editors: C. Bischof, H.-G. Hegering, W. E. Nagel, and G. Wittum, pages 135–148, Springer, 2012.

Here is the corresponding bibtex entry.

Generally, for citations, please refer to the OPUS entry of the corresponding version or use the citation file.


The latest version of ParaSCIP and FiberSCIP is included in the SCIP Optimization Suite. Please refer to the provided README file for help on installing the software.


Current projects are as follows:

  • Uses SCIP as base solver
  • Used to investigate a large scale parallelization
  • Runs on up to 7,168 cores at supercomputer HLRN II
  • Runs on up to 512 cores on a supercomputer at ISM
  • Computed optimal solutions for ds, stp3d from MIPLIB2003
  • Computed optimal solutions for 50-10v, probportfolio, reblock354, rmatr200-p20, dg012142, dc1c, germany50-DBM from MIPLIB2010
  • Uses SCIP as base solver
  • Enables parallelization on single desktop computers
  • Evaluated by Hans Mittelmann

ParaSCIP and FiberSCIP can handle both MIPs and MINLPs and are a parallel framework for solving mixed integer (linear and nonlinear) programs. They have deterministic mode for debugging.


Yuji Shinano, Tobias Achterberg, Timo Berthold, Stefan Heinz, Thorsten Koch, ParaSCIP -- a parallel extension of SCIP.
Yuji Shinano, Stefan Heinz, Stefan Vigerske, Michael Winkler, FiberSCIP -- A shared memory parallelization of SCIP.


Research cooperations: The development of UG is supported by a Google Research Grant and the Research Campus MODAL.

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