UG, as a stand-alone solver using SCIP as the underlying base solver, is called FiberSCIP and ParaSCIP can solve mixed-integer linear and nonlinear programs. For solving MINLP it applies an LP based spatial branch-and-cut algorithm, that is guaranteed to solve bounded MINLPs within a given numerical tolerance in a finite amount of time.
The SCIP applications
are parallelized by UG. They can be solved as stand-alone UG applications.
Any branch-and-bound based solver for a specific problem, which is realized by SCIP plugins, can easily parallelized by adding a small lines of glue code.
In the UG framework, the underlying base solver is abstracted. By adding the UG wrapper code etc. for a specific optimization problem, a massively parallel solver for the problem can be built. Ongoing projects are the following:
Also, UG version 1.0 can be used to parallelize non-branch-and-bound based solvers: A Shortest Vector Problem (SVP : see SVP Challenge) solver has been parallelized by UG.