

Ubiquity Generator framework

Building UG with CMake

CMake is a build system generator that can create, e.g., Makefiles for UNIX and Mac or Visual Studio project files for Windows.

CMake provides an extensive documentation explaining available features and use cases as well as an FAQ section. It's recommended to use the latest stable CMake version available. cmake --help is also a good first step to see available options and usage information.

Platform independent build instructions:

cmake -Bbuild -H. [-DSCIP_DIR=/path/to/scip]
cmake --build build

Linux/macOS Makefile-based build instructions:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

CMake uses an out-of-source build, i.e., compiled binaries and object files are separated from the source tree and located in another directory. Usually this directory is called build or debug or whatever you prefer. From within this directory, run cmake <path/to/UG> to configure your build, followed by make to compile the code according to the current configuration (this assumes that you chose Linux Makefiles as CMake Generator). By default, UG searches for SCIP as base solver. If SCIP is not installed systemwide, the path to a CMake build directory of SCIP must be specified (ie one that contains "scip-config.cmake").

Afterwards, successive calls to make are going to recompile modified source code, without requiring another call to cmake.

The generated executable and libraries are put in directories bin and lib respectively and will simply be named fscip.

Modifying a CMake configuration

There are several options that can be passed to the cmake <path/to/UG> call to modify how the code is built. For all of these options and parameters you have to use -D<Parameter_name>=<value>. Following a list of available options, for the full list run

cmake <path/to/UG> -LH
CMake option Available values Makefile equivalent Remarks
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release, Debug, ... OPT=[opt, dbg]
SCIP_DIR /path/to/scip/install

Parameters can be set all at once or in subsequent calls to cmake - extending or modifying the existing configuration.


CMake uses a default directory for installation, e.g., /usr/local on Linux. This can be modified by either changing the configuration using -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as explained in Modifying a CMake configuration or by setting the environment variable DESTDIR during or before the install command, e.g., DESTDIR=<custom/install/dir> make install.

Additional targets

There are several further targets available, which can be listed using make help. For instance, there are some examples that can be built with make examples or by specifying a certain one: make <example-name>.

CMake target Description Requirements
fiberscip build fiberscip UG executable
parascip build parascip UG executable
githash build executables for all applications