149 gzstream::ogzstream &out
157 gzstream::igzstream &in
Class for LoadCoordinator termination state which contains calculation state in a ParaLoadCoordinator...
double mergeNodeTime
time when ParaNode is merged
bool read(ParaComm *comm, gzstream::igzstream &in)
read from checkpoint file
double generateMergeNodesCandidatesTime
time when merge ParaNode candidates are generated
unsigned long long nNodesInNodePool
number of nodes in ParaNodePool
virtual ~BbParaLoadCoordinatorTerminationState()
unsigned long long nDeletedByMerging
number of ParaNodes deleted by merging
unsigned long long nNodesLeftInAllSolvers
number of nodes left in all Solvers
double runningTime
this ParaLoadCoordinator running time
unsigned long long nFailedToSendBackAnotherNode
number of ParaNodes failed to send back after AnotherNode request
unsigned long long nNodesOutputLog
count for next logging of the number of transferred ParaNodes
double idleTime
idle time of this LoadCoordinator
double regenerateMergeNodesCandidatesTime
time when merge ParaNode candidates are regenerated
unsigned long long mMaxCollectingNodes
maximum multiplier for the number of collecting nodes
unsigned long long nFailedToSendBack
number of ParaNodes failed to send back
unsigned long long nDeletedInLc
number of ParaNodes deleted in LC
double tNodesOutputLog
keep time for next logging of the number of transferred ParaNodes
double externalGlobalBestDualBoundValue
global best dual bound value (external value)
unsigned long long nMaxUsageOfNodePool
maximum number of ParaNodes in ParaNodePool
unsigned long long nSentBackImmediately
Counters related to this ParaLoadCoordinator TODO: The numbers should be classified depending on solv...
void write(gzstream::ogzstream &out)
write to checkpoint file
std::string toString()
stringfy ParaCalculationState
unsigned long long nInitialP
initial p value, which indicates the number of good ParaNodes try to keep in LC
double addingNodeToMergeStructTime
time when a ParaNode is added to merge struct
double globalBestDualBoundValue
global best dual bound value (internal value)
default constructor
unsigned long long nSentBackImmediatelyAnotherNode
number of ParaNodes sent back immediately after AnotherNode request from LC
Base class of communicator object.
Class for LoadCoordinator termination state which contains calculation state in a ParaLoadCoordinator...
static ScipParaCommTh * comm
Utilities for handling gzipped input and output streams.
Base class of communicator for UG Framework.
Load coordinator termination state.