

Ubiquity Generator framework

Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2/* */
3/* This file is part of the program and software framework */
4/* UG --- Ubquity Generator Framework */
5/* */
6/* Copyright Written by Yuji Shinano <>, */
7/* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 by Zuse Institute Berlin, */
8/* licensed under LGPL version 3 or later. */
9/* Commercial licenses are available through <> */
10/* */
11/* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
12/* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
13/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 */
14/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
15/* */
16/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
17/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
19/* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */
20/* */
21/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
22/* along with this program. If not, see <>. */
23/* */
24/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
26/**@file bbParaSolver.cpp
27 * @brief Base class for solver: Generic parallelized solver.
28 * @author Yuji Shinano
29 *
30 *
31 *
32 */
37#include <cstdlib>
38#include <cfloat>
39#include <climits>
40#include <cassert>
41#include <algorithm>
42#include "ug/paraComm.h"
43#include "ug/paraTask.h"
44#include "ug/paraInstance.h"
45#include "ug/paraSolution.h"
48#include "bbParaSolverState.h"
49#include "bbParaSolver.h"
50#include "bbParaComm.h"
51#include "bbParaNodePool.h"
53using namespace UG;
56 int argc,
57 char **argv,
58 int inNHandlers,
60 ParaParamSet *inParaParamSet,
61 ParaInstance *inParaInstance,
62 ParaDeterministicTimer *inParaDetTimer
63 )
64 : ParaSolver(argc, argv, inNHandlers, comm, inParaParamSet, inParaInstance, inParaDetTimer),
65 globalBestDualBoundValueAtWarmStart(-DBL_MAX),
66 globalBestCutOffValue(DBL_MAX),
67 lcBestDualBoundValue(-DBL_MAX),
68 collectingMode(false),
69 aggressiveCollecting(false),
70 nSendInCollectingMode(0),
71 nCollectOnce(0),
72 collectingManyNodes(false),
73 collectingInterrupt(false),
74 anotherNodeIsRequested(false),
75 lightWeightRootNodeComputation(false),
76 onceBreak(false),
77 rootNodeTime(0.0),
78 totalRootNodeTime(0.0),
79 minRootNodeTime(DBL_MAX),
80 maxRootNodeTime(-DBL_MAX),
81 nSolved(0),
82 nSent(0),
83 nSolvedWithNoPreprocesses(0),
84 totalNSolved(0),
85 minNSolved(INT_MAX),
86 maxNSolved(INT_MIN),
87 nTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver(0),
88 minTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver(INT_MAX),
89 maxTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver(INT_MIN),
90 nTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver(0),
91 minTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver(INT_MAX),
92 maxTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver(INT_MIN),
93 nTotalRestarts(0),
94 minRestarts(INT_MAX),
95 maxRestarts(INT_MIN),
96 totalNSent(0),
97 totalNImprovedIncumbent(0),
98 nParaNodesSolvedAtRoot(0),
99 nParaNodesSolvedAtPreCheck(0),
100 nSimplexIterRoot(0),
101 nTransferredLocalCuts(0),
102 minTransferredLocalCuts(INT_MAX),
103 maxTransferredLocalCuts(INT_MIN),
104 nTransferredBendersCuts(0),
105 minTransferredBendersCuts(INT_MAX),
106 maxTransferredBendersCuts(INT_MIN),
107 nTightened(0),
108 nTightenedInt(0),
109 minIisum(DBL_MAX),
110 maxIisum(0.0),
111 minNii(INT_MAX),
112 maxNii(0),
113 targetBound(-DBL_MAX),
114 nTransferLimit(-1),
115 nTransferredNodes(-1),
116 solverDualBound(-DBL_MAX),
117 averageDualBoundGain(0.0),
118 enoughGainObtained(true),
119 givenGapIsReached(false),
120 testDualBoundGain(false),
121 noWaitModeSend(false),
122 keepRacing(false),
123 restartingRacing(false),
124 localIncumbentIsChecked(false),
125 selfSplitNodePool(0)
127 /** create timer for this BbParaSolver */
131 bbMessageHandler[TagTask] = &UG::BbParaSolver::processTagTask;
150 {
153 }
159 {
161 }
164 {
165 paraParams->setIntParamValue(RampUpPhaseProcess, 0); // it should work with normal ramp-up
166 }
168 if( paraParams->getIntParamValue(RampUpPhaseProcess) == 3 ) // self-split ramp-up
169 {
171 }
176 )
178 double stopTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
183 double detTime = -1.0;
185 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm);
187 BbParaSolverTerminationState *paraSolverTerminationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaSolverTerminationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaSolverTerminationState(
189 paraComm->getRank(),
209 calcTermState,
211 stopTime,
221 detTime ));
222 paraSolverTerminationState->send(paraComm, 0, TagTerminated);
223 delete paraSolverTerminationState;
229 )
232 // paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, 0, TagSelfSplitFinished )
233 // );
234 // Node で
235 // 貰ったルートの一つ下
238 );
239 return;
245 int source,
246 int tag
247 )
250 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm);
252 if( currentTask )
253 {
254 newTask = bbParaComm->createParaTask();
255 newTask->receive(bbParaComm, source);
256 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(newTask)->getMergingStatus() == 3 ) // This means, the received node is separated
257 {
258 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(newTask)->setMergingStatus(-1);
259 }
260 }
261 else
262 {
263 currentTask = bbParaComm->createParaTask();
264 currentTask->receive(bbParaComm, source);
265 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getMergingStatus() == 3 ) // This means, the received node is separated
266 {
267 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->setMergingStatus(-1);
268 }
269 }
272 if( keepRacing )
273 {
274 assert(!winnerRacingParams);
275 }
276 return 0;
281 int source,
282 int tag
283 )
286 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagTaskReceived )
287 );
288 return 0;
293 int source,
294 int tag
295 )
298 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagRampUp)
299 );
300 // if( isRacingStage() )
301 // {
302 // assert(!racingWinner);
303 // }
304 rampUp = true;
305 // testDualBoundGain = false;
306 enoughGainObtained = true;
309 std::cout << paraTimer->getElapsedTime() << " Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " received TagRampUp" << std::endl;
315 {
316 return 0;
317 }
319 // if( racingWinner ) // when the winner solver switches to normal ramp up without collecting nodes, this is necessary
320 // {
321 // setOriginalNodeSelectionStrategy();
322 // }
324 collectingManyNodes = false;
325 collectingMode = false;
326 aggressiveCollecting = false;
328 noWaitModeSend = false;
329 return 0;
334 int source,
335 int tag
336 )
339 sol->receive(paraComm, source);
341 // sometime it is necessary to save the solution in solver side
342 // updateGlobalBestIncumbentValue( sol->getObjectiveFuntionValue() ) ) // DO NOT UPDATE!!
343 // The timing of the update depends on solver used
344 {
345 if( pendingSolution )
346 {
347 delete pendingSolution;
348 }
349 pendingSolution = sol;
351 }
352 else
353 {
354 delete sol;
355 }
356 return 0;
361 int source,
362 int tag
363 )
365 double incumbent;
367 paraComm->receive( &incumbent, 1, ParaDOUBLE, source, TagIncumbentValue)
368 );
370 {
371 if( incumbent < globalBestIncumbentValue && incumbent < pendingIncumbentValue )
372 {
373 pendingIncumbentValue = incumbent;
374 }
375 }
376 else
377 {
379 }
381 //
382 // should not do as follows: LC does not know which nodes were removed
383 //
384 // if( selfSplitNodePool )
385 // {
386 // selfSplitNodePool->removeBoundedNodes(incumbent);
387 // }
388 return 0;
393 int source,
394 int tag
395 )
397 assert(notificationProcessed);
398 unsigned int notificationId;
400 paraComm->receive( &notificationId, 1, ParaUNSIGNED, source, TagNotificationId)
401 );
402 if( notificationId == notificationIdGenerator) notificationProcessed = false;
403 else {
404 THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR4("notificationId received is ", notificationId, ", but generator value is ", notificationIdGenerator);
405 }
406 return 0;
411 int source,
412 int tag
413 )
416 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagTerminateRequest)
417 );
418// std::cout << "Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " received exitSolverRequest" << std::endl;
421 return 0;
426 int source,
427 int tag
428 )
430 /* received racing parameter set is always winner one,
431 * because the initail racing parameter set is broadcasted. */
435 );
437 if( isRacingStage() )
438 {
439 assert(!racingWinner);
440 racingIsInterrupted = true;
441 }
443 std::cout << paraTimer->getElapsedTime() << " Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " received racing winner params" << std::endl;
445 return 0;
450 int source,
451 int tag
452 )
455 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagWinner)
456 );
457 racingWinner = true;
458 assert(!winnerRacingParams);
459 winnerRacingParams = racingParams; // LC does not send racing param to winner
460 racingParams = 0; // No racing stage now
461 return 0;
466 int source,
467 int tag
468 )
471 int token[2];
473 paraComm->receive( token, 2, ParaINT, source, TagToken )
474 );
475 paraComm->setToken(paraComm->getRank(), token);
476 return 0;
481 int source,
482 int tag
483 )
486 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagRetryRampUp)
487 );
488 rampUp = false;
489 /* RetryRampUp did not work for rmine10 44th run */
490 /* Then, added the following four lines */
491 collectingMode = false;
492 aggressiveCollecting = false;
494 noWaitModeSend = false;
495 /* end of the four lines */
496 return 0;
501 int source,
502 int tag
503 )
507 );
508 return 0;
513 int source,
514 int tag
515 )
518 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagNoNodes)
519 );
521 return 0;
526 int source,
527 int tag
528 )
532 );
533 if( nSendInCollectingMode < 0 )
534 {
537 }
538 collectingMode = true;
541 {
542 if( selfSplitNodePool->getNumOfNodes() >= 2 ||
543 ( selfSplitNodePool->getNumOfNodes() > 0 && getNNodesLeft() > 0 ) )
544 {
547 // std::cout << "Trans NODE (inCollecting): " << node->toSimpleString() << std::endl;
548 delete node;
550 {
551 // DO NOT delete below, since it shows that current solving node is generated by self-split ramp-up
552// delete selfSplitNodePool;
553// selfSplitNodePool = 0;
554 }
555 }
556 }
558 return 0;
563 int source,
564 int tag
565 )
569 );
570 collectingManyNodes = true;
571 noWaitModeSend = true;
572 return 0;
577 int source,
578 int tag
579 )
582 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagOutCollectingMode)
583 );
585 {
586 // if this solver is in Ttermination mode, the following function cannot be called
588 }
589 collectingMode = false;
590 aggressiveCollecting = false;
592 noWaitModeSend = false;
593 return 0;
598 int source,
599 int tag
600 )
604 );
605 return 0;
610 int source,
611 int tag
612 )
614// std::cout << paraTimer->getElapsedTime() << " Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " received TagInterruptRequest" << std::endl;
616 int exitSolverRequest;
618 paraComm->receive( &exitSolverRequest, 1, ParaINT, source, TagInterruptRequest)
619 );
624// std::cout << "Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " received TagInterruptRequest with exitSolverRequest = " << exitSolverRequest << std::endl;
626 if( exitSolverRequest == 1 )
627 {
628 collectingInterrupt = true;
631 noWaitModeSend = true;
632 }
633 else
634 {
635 if( exitSolverRequest == 2 )
636 {
638 }
639 else
640 {
642 }
643 }
645 if( keepRacing )
646 {
648 }
651 {
652 while( !selfSplitNodePool->isEmpty() )
653 {
655 delete node;
656 }
657 }
659 return 0;
664 int source,
665 int tag
666 )
670 );
673 return 0;
678 int source,
679 int tag
680 )
684 );
687 );
689 collectingManyNodes = true;
690 return 0;
695 int source,
696 int tag
697 )
700 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagGivenGapIsReached )
701 );
704 givenGapIsReached = true;
705 return 0;
710 int source,
711 int tag
712 )
716 );
717 testDualBoundGain = true;
718 enoughGainObtained = true;
719 return 0;
724 int source,
725 int tag
726 )
729 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagNoTestDualBoundGain )
730 );
731 testDualBoundGain = false;
732 enoughGainObtained = true;
733 return 0;
738 int source,
739 int tag
740 )
743 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagNoWaitModeSend )
744 );
745 noWaitModeSend = true;
746 return 0;
751 int source,
752 int tag
753 )
756 paraComm->receive( NULL, 0, ParaBYTE, source, TagRestart )
757 );
760 rampUp = false;
761 return 0;
766 int source,
767 int tag
768 )
770 return lbBoundTightened(source, tag);
775 int source,
776 int tag
777 )
779 return ubBoundTightened(source, tag);
784 int source,
785 int tag
786 )
788 double cutOffValue;
790 paraComm->receive( &cutOffValue, 1, ParaDOUBLE, source, TagCutOffValue)
791 );
792 updateGlobalBestCutOffValue(cutOffValue);
793 return 0;
798 int source,
799 int tag
800 )
802 int keep = 0;
804 paraComm->receive( &keep, 1, ParaINT, source, TagKeepRacing )
805 );
806 if( keep == 1 )
807 {
808 keepRacing = true;
809 }
810 else
811 {
812 keepRacing = false;
813 }
814 return 0;
821 int source,
822 int tag
823 )
827 );
828 assert(isRacingStage());
829 restartingRacing = true;
830 racingIsInterrupted = true;
831 return 0;
836 )
838 for(;;)
839 {
840 /***************************************************
841 * Wait a new ParaNode from ParaLoadCoordinator *
842 * If Termination message is received, then break *
843 ***************************************************/
844 if( !currentTask )
845 {
846 if( receiveNewTaskAndReactivate() == false )
847 {
848 break;
849 }
850 }
852 if( winnerRacingParams ) // winner racing parameter set is received
853 {
854 if( racingParams )
855 {
856 delete racingParams;
857 racingParams = 0;
858 }
861 // delete winnerRacingParams;
862 // winnerRacingParams = 0;
863 }
867 nParaTasksReceived >= 2 ) // after racing, parameters should be set to default values
868 {
871 {
872 delete winnerRacingParams;
874 }
876 racingWinner = false;
877 }
879 /** set collecting mode */
880 collectingMode = false; /* begin with out-collecting mode: NOTE: LC clear collecting mode for new solver */
882 aggressiveCollecting = false;
883 collectingManyNodes = false;
884 nCollectOnce = 0;
885 resetBreakingInfo(); // set false on collectingManyNodes in the resetBreakingInfo
886 onceBreak = false;
887 noWaitModeSend = false;
889 /** set start time and ilde times */
891 if( previousStopTime < 0.0 )
892 {
894 }
895 else
896 {
898 }
900 /****************************************************
901 * create subproblem into target solver environment *
902 ***************************************************/
903 subproblemFreed = false;
907 {
909 }
912 /******************
913 * start solving *
914 ******************/
915 assert(!newTask);
916 // std::cout << "R." << paraComm->getRank() << " starts solving" << std::endl;
917 solve();
918 // std::cout << "R." << paraComm->getRank() << " solved a ParaNode" << std::endl;
919 /*****************************************************
920 * notify completion of a calculation of a ParaNode *
921 *****************************************************/
923 double compTime = previousStopTime - paraTaskStartTime;
926 nSolved += getNNodesSolved(); // In case of self-split, the number of nodes solved needs to be added for root node
929 {
931 }
933 /****************************************************************************
934 * send completion of calculation and update counters and accumulation time *
935 ****************************************************************************/
937 {
938 do
939 {
941 } while ( !waitToken(paraComm->getRank()) );
942 }
943 iReceiveMessages(); /** Before sending completion state, receiving message should be checked.
944 * When subproblem terminated with no branch, solver lost a timing for receiving new node */
946 if( currentTask ) // When a solver is reserved for multi-threaded parallel solver, currentTaks can be deleted by user routine
947 {
948 if( !selfSplitNodePool )
949 {
950 // std::cout << "Solver (!selfSplitNodePool) Rank = " << paraComm->getRank() << ", node = " << dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->toSimpleString() << std::endl;
953 {
955 // if( hasToken() ) passToken();
956 paraDetTimer->update(1.0);
958 #ifdef _DEBUG_DET
959 std::cout << previousCommTime << " run2 R." << paraComm->getRank() << ": token passed" << std::endl;
960 #endif
962 }
963 }
964 else
965 {
966 // std::cout << "Solver Rank = " << paraComm->getRank() << ", node = " << dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->toSimpleString() << std::endl;
967 // dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->sendSubtreeRootNodeId(paraComm, 0, TagSubtreeRootNodeToBeRemoved);
969 // std::cout << "*** Rank" << paraComm->getRank() << ", num in selfSplit node pool = " << selfSplitNodePool->getNumOfNodes() <<", " << currentTask->toSimpleString() << std::endl;
971 {
973 // if( hasToken() ) passToken();
974 paraDetTimer->update(1.0);
976 #ifdef _DEBUG_DET
977 std::cout << previousCommTime << " run2 R." << paraComm->getRank() << ": token passed" << std::endl;
978 #endif
979 // passToken(paraComm->getRank());
980 }
982 {
983 delete selfSplitNodePool;
985 // std::cout << "Rank" << paraComm->getRank() << ", SELFSPLIT NODE POOL NULL" << std::endl;
987 {
989 }
990 }
991 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->isRootTask() )
992 {
994 }
995 }
996 }
998 /*******************************************
999 * free solving environment for subproblem *
1000 ********************************************/
1001 if( !subproblemFreed )
1002 {
1004 }
1006 /* if light wait root node computation is applied, rest it */
1008 {
1011 }
1013 /**************************
1014 * update current ParaNode *
1015 ***************************/
1016 // assert( currentTask );
1017 if( currentTask ) // When a solver is reserved for multi-threaded parallel solver, currentTaks can be deleted by user routine
1018 {
1019 delete currentTask;
1020 }
1021 if( newTask )
1022 {
1024 newTask = 0;
1025 }
1026 else
1027 {
1028 currentTask = 0;
1029 }
1031 {
1032 break;
1033 }
1036 {
1038 assert(!currentTask);
1040 {
1042 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getInitialDualBoundValue() > globalBestIncumbentValue )
1043 {
1044 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->sendSubtreeRootNodeId(paraComm, 0, TagSubtreeRootNodeStartComputation);
1045 if( selfSplitNodePool->getNumOfNodes() > 0 )
1046 {
1048 }
1049 else
1050 {
1051 // Now self-split node pool becomes empty
1053 delete selfSplitNodePool;
1055 }
1056 delete currentTask;
1057 currentTask = 0;
1059 {
1061 // if( hasToken() ) passToken();
1062 paraDetTimer->update(1.0);
1064#ifdef _DEBUG_DET
1065 std::cout << previousCommTime << " run2 R." << paraComm->getRank() << ": token passed" << std::endl;
1067 // passToken(paraComm->getRank());
1068 }
1069 }
1070 }
1073 {
1075 }
1077 if( selfSplitNodePool && currentTask ) // NOTE: if selfplitNodePool != NULL, new node could receive in waitAckCompletion in case of deterministic
1078 {
1079 // std::cout << "new NODE: " << currentTask->toSimpleString();
1080 // if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDiffSubproblem() )
1081 // {
1082 // std::cout
1083 // << ", "
1084 //// << dynamic_cast<BbParaDiffSubproblem *>(dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDiffSubproblem())->getNBoundChanges()
1085 // << dynamic_cast<BbParaDiffSubproblem *>(dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDiffSubproblem())->toStringStat();
1086 // }
1087 // std::cout << std::endl;
1088 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->sendSubtreeRootNodeId(paraComm, 0, TagSubtreeRootNodeStartComputation);
1089 if( selfSplitNodePool->isEmpty() )
1090 {
1091 // DO NOT delete below, since it shows that current solving node is generated by self-split ramp-up
1092 // delete selfSplitNodePool;
1093 // selfSplitNodePool = 0;
1094 }
1095 else
1096 {
1098 {
1101 // std::cout << "Trans NODE (run): " << node->toSimpleString() << std::endl;
1102 // if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(node)->getDiffSubproblem() )
1103 // {
1104 // std::cout
1105 // << ", "
1106 //// << dynamic_cast<BbParaDiffSubproblem *>(dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(node)->getDiffSubproblem())->getNBoundChanges()
1107 // << dynamic_cast<BbParaDiffSubproblem *>(dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(node)->getDiffSubproblem())->toStringStat();
1108 // }
1109 // std::cout << std::endl;
1110 delete node;
1111 if( selfSplitNodePool->isEmpty() )
1112 {
1113 // DO NOT delete below, since it shows that current solving node is generated by self-split ramp-up
1114 // delete selfSplitNodePool;
1115 // selfSplitNodePool = 0;
1116 }
1117 }
1118 }
1119 }
1120 }
1121 }
1122 return;
1128 for(;;)
1129 {
1130 int source;
1131 int tag;
1132 int status;
1133 /*******************************************
1134 * waiting for any message form anywhere *
1135 *******************************************/
1137 {
1138 do
1139 {
1141 } while( !waitToken(paraComm->getRank()) );
1143 paraDetTimer->update(1.0);
1145#ifdef _DEBUG_DET
1146 std::cout << previousCommTime << " receiveNewNodeAndReactivate R." << paraComm->getRank() << ": token passed" << std::endl;
1149 }
1150 else
1151 {
1152 (void)paraComm->probe(&source, &tag);
1153 if( messageHandler[tag] )
1154 {
1155 status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(source, tag);
1156 if( status )
1157 {
1158 std::ostringstream s;
1159 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
1160 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
1161 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
1162 abort();
1163 }
1164 }
1165 else
1166 {
1167 THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR3( "No message hander for ", tag, " is not registered" );
1168 }
1169 }
1170 if( currentTask )
1171 {
1173 {
1175 }
1176 else
1177 {
1179 }
1180 return true;
1181 }
1183 }
1184 return false;
1189 )
1192 static double previousRreceiveCheckTime = DBL_MAX;
1193 double currentTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
1194 if( ( currentTime - previousRreceiveCheckTime ) < -1.0 )
1195 {
1196 std::cout << currentTime << " Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " No check receiving message over 500 (sec.) is logging." << std::endl;
1197 }
1198 if( ( currentTime - previousRreceiveCheckTime ) > 500.0 )
1199 {
1200 std::cout << currentTime << " Solver" << paraComm->getRank() << " did not check receiving message over 500 (sec.)" << std::endl;
1202 }
1203 previousRreceiveCheckTime = currentTime;
1205 /************************************************************************
1206 * This fucntion is called from a callback routine of the target solver *
1207 * **********************************************************************/
1208 int source;
1209 int tag = TagAny;
1210 int status;
1211 /************************************
1212 * check if there are some messages *
1213 ************************************/
1214 while( paraComm->iProbe(&source, &tag) )
1215 {
1216 if( messageHandler[tag] )
1217 {
1218 status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(source, tag);
1219 if( status )
1220 {
1221 std::ostringstream s;
1222 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
1223 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
1224 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
1225 abort();
1226 }
1227 }
1228 else
1229 {
1231 {
1232 //
1233 // receive the notification Id message
1234 //
1237 );
1238 continue;
1239 }
1240 THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR3( "No message hander for ", tag, " is not registered" );
1241 }
1242 }
1247 )
1251 {
1253 }
1255 {
1257 }
1262 double compTime,
1263 int tag, ///< message Tag
1264 int nSelfSplitNodesLeft ///< number of self-split nodes left
1265 )
1267 int terminationState = CompTerminatedNormally;
1268 bool needToResetMaximalDualBound = racingIsInterrupted;
1270 if( givenGapIsReached )
1271 {
1272 if( isRacingStage() )
1273 {
1274 terminationState = CompTerminatedInRacingStage;
1275 }
1276 else
1277 {
1278 terminationState = CompTerminatedByInterruptRequest;
1279 }
1280 }
1281 else if( memoryLimitIsReached )
1282 {
1283 terminationState = CompTerminatedByMemoryLimit;
1284 }
1285 else
1286 {
1288 {
1289 terminationState = CompTerminatedByInterruptRequest;
1290 }
1291 else
1292 {
1294 {
1295 terminationState = CompTerminatedByTimeLimit;
1296 }
1297 else
1298 {
1299 if ( newTask )
1300 {
1301 terminationState = CompTerminatedByAnotherTask;
1302 }
1303 else
1304 {
1306 {
1307 for(;;)
1308 {
1309 int source;
1310 int ttag;
1311 int status;
1312 /*******************************************
1313 * waiting for any message from anywhere *
1314 *******************************************/
1315 (void)paraComm->probe(&source, &ttag);
1316 if( messageHandler[ttag] )
1317 {
1318 status = (this->*messageHandler[ttag])(source, ttag);
1319 if( status )
1320 {
1321 std::ostringstream s;
1322 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
1323 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
1324 << "process tag = " << ttag << std::endl;
1325 abort();
1326 }
1327 }
1328 else
1329 {
1330 THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR3( "No message hander for ", ttag, " is not registered" );
1331 }
1332 if( newTask )
1333 {
1334 terminationState = CompTerminatedByAnotherTask;
1335 break;
1336 }
1337 if( !anotherNodeIsRequested ) break;
1338 }
1339 }
1340 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask) ) // may not be BbParaNode
1341 {
1342 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getMergingStatus() == 3 )
1343 {
1344 terminationState = CompInterruptedInMerging;
1345 }
1346 }
1347 }
1349 if( isRacingStage() &&
1350 !newTask && !racingWinner)
1351 {
1353 {
1354 // assert(getNNodesLeft() == 0); // hard time limit case, this happned.
1355 /* CompTerminatedInRacingStage means computation is finished, so terminates all solvers */
1356 terminationState = CompTerminatedInRacingStage;
1357 }
1358 else
1359 {
1360 /* CompInterruptedInRacingStage means computation is interrupted by termination of the other solvers */
1361 terminationState = CompInterruptedInRacingStage; // even if a racing solver terminated badly, just keep running.
1363 racingIsInterrupted = false;
1364 }
1366 }
1367 else
1368 {
1369 if( !wasTerminatedNormally() )
1370 {
1371 THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR3( "BbParaSolver", paraComm->getRank(), " was terminated abnormally." );
1372 }
1373 }
1374 }
1375 }
1377 }
1379 double averageSimplexIter = 0.0;
1381 if( nSolved <= 1 )
1382 {
1383 /** nSolved > 1 is set within callback routine */
1386 }
1387 else
1388 {
1389 averageSimplexIter = static_cast<double>( ( getSimplexIter() - nSimplexIterRoot )/(nSolved - 1) );
1390 }
1392 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm);
1394 if( terminationState == CompTerminatedByInterruptRequest
1395 && nSolved <= 1 // current solving node is interrupted
1396 && collectingManyNodes // collect all nodes
1397 && nCollectOnce == -1 // collect all nodes
1398 )
1399 {
1400 if( dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask) ) // may not be BbParaNode
1401 {
1402 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->send(bbParaComm, 0); // current solving node has to be collected
1403 }
1404 }
1407 {
1409 }
1411 BbParaCalculationState *paraCalculationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaCalculationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaCalculationState(
1413 nSimplexIterRoot, averageSimplexIter,
1416 getNRestarts(), minIisum, maxIisum, minNii, maxNii, solverDualBound, nSelfSplitNodesLeft ));
1417 paraCalculationState->send(paraComm, 0, tag);
1418 delete paraCalculationState;
1420 /*******************
1421 * update counters *
1422 *******************/
1423 if( nSolved < minNSolved )
1424 {
1426 }
1427 if( nSolved > maxNSolved )
1428 {
1430 }
1433 totalNSent += nSent;
1436 if( nSolved == 1)
1437 {
1439 }
1443 {
1445 }
1447 {
1449 }
1453 {
1455 }
1457 {
1459 }
1462 if( minRestarts > getNRestarts() )
1463 {
1465 }
1466 if( maxRestarts < getNRestarts() )
1467 {
1469 }
1471 nSolved = 0;
1472 nSent = 0;
1476 minTransferredLocalCuts = INT_MAX;
1477 maxTransferredLocalCuts = INT_MIN;
1479 minTransferredBendersCuts = INT_MAX;
1480 maxTransferredBendersCuts = INT_MIN;
1481 /**********************************
1482 * accumulate total root node time *
1483 ***********************************/
1485 rootNodeTime = 0.0;
1487 minIisum = DBL_MAX;
1488 maxIisum = 0.0;
1489 minNii = INT_MAX;
1490 maxNii = 0;
1492 double detTime = -1.0;
1494 {
1495 detTime = paraDetTimer->getElapsedTime();
1496 }
1497 double stopTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
1498 if( isRacingStage() )
1499 {
1500// if( newNode )
1501// {
1502// nParaNodesReceived--;
1503// }
1505 // if( !keepRacing )
1506 // {
1507 /** Transfer SolverTermination state during racing ramp-up */
1508 BbParaSolverTerminationState *paraSolverTerminationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaSolverTerminationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaSolverTerminationState(
1509 3, /** interupted flag == 3 means the information for racing ramp-up */
1510 paraComm->getRank(),
1512 minNSolved,
1513 maxNSolved,
1514 totalNSent,
1529 getNTightened(),
1531 terminationState,
1532 stopTime,
1535 0.0,
1542 detTime
1543 ));
1544 assert( tag == TagCompletionOfCalculation );
1545 paraSolverTerminationState->send(paraComm, 0, TagTermStateForInterruption);
1546 delete paraSolverTerminationState;
1547 assert(! racingWinner);
1548 /** re-initialize all counters, winner counts on current counters */
1549 minNSolved = INT_MAX;
1550 maxNSolved = INT_MIN;
1551 totalNSolved = 0;
1552 totalNSent = 0;
1554// if( newNode )
1555// nParaNodesReceived = 1;
1556// else
1557// nParaNodesReceived = 0;
1558 nParaTasksSolved = 0;
1561 totalRootNodeTime = 0.0;
1562 minRootNodeTime = DBL_MAX;
1563 maxRootNodeTime = -DBL_MAX;
1566 {
1567 restartRacing();
1568 }
1569 else
1570 {
1572 }
1574 // }
1575 }
1576 else
1577 {
1578 /** Transfer SolverTermination state to save statistic information for checkpoint */
1579 BbParaSolverTerminationState *paraSolverTerminationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaSolverTerminationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaSolverTerminationState(
1580 2, /** interupted flag == 2 means the information for checkpoint */
1581 paraComm->getRank(),
1583 minNSolved,
1584 maxNSolved,
1585 totalNSent,
1600 getNTightened(),
1602 terminationState,
1603 stopTime,
1606 0.0,
1613 detTime
1614 ));
1615 if( tag == TagCompletionOfCalculation )
1616 {
1617 paraSolverTerminationState->send(paraComm, 0, TagTermStateForInterruption);
1618 }
1619 else
1620 {
1621 paraSolverTerminationState->send(paraComm, 0, TagSelfSplitTermStateForInterruption);
1622 }
1623 delete paraSolverTerminationState;
1624 }
1626 if( needToResetMaximalDualBound ) solverDualBound = -DBL_MAX;
1627 givenGapIsReached = false;
1628 // keepRacing = false;
1633 double compTime,
1634 int tag, ///< message Tag
1635 int nSelfSplitNodesLeft ///< number of self-split nodes left
1636 )
1638 int terminationState = CompTerminatedNormally;
1639 bool needToResetMaximalDualBound = racingIsInterrupted;
1641 double dualBound = DBL_MAX;
1644 {
1645 dualBound = std::min(solverDualBound, selfSplitNodePool->getBestDualBoundValue() );
1646 }
1648 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm);
1650 BbParaCalculationState *paraCalculationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaCalculationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaCalculationState(
1651 compTime, 0, 0 , 0, 0, terminationState, 0,
1652 0, 0.0,
1653 0, 0, 0,
1654 0, 0, 0,
1655 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dualBound, nSelfSplitNodesLeft ));
1656 paraCalculationState->send(paraComm, 0, tag);
1657 delete paraCalculationState;
1659 /**********************
1660 * No update counters *
1661 **********************/
1663 double detTime = -1.0;
1665 {
1666 detTime = paraDetTimer->getElapsedTime();
1667 }
1668 double stopTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
1669 /** Transfer SolverTermination state to save statistic information for checkpoint */
1670 BbParaSolverTerminationState *paraSolverTerminationState = dynamic_cast<BbParaSolverTerminationState *>(bbParaComm->createParaSolverTerminationState(
1671 2, /** interupted flag == 2 means the information for checkpoint */
1672 paraComm->getRank(),
1674 minNSolved,
1675 maxNSolved,
1676 totalNSent,
1691 getNTightened(),
1693 terminationState,
1694 stopTime,
1697 0.0,
1704 detTime
1705 ));
1706 paraSolverTerminationState->send(paraComm, 0, TagSelfSplitTermStateForInterruption);
1707 delete paraSolverTerminationState;
1709 if( needToResetMaximalDualBound ) solverDualBound = -DBL_MAX;
1710 givenGapIsReached = false;
1711 // keepRacing = false;
1717 )
1719 if( localIncumbentSolution && (!notificationProcessed) ) // if solution is sent in notification is processed,
1720 // dead lock may be occurred depending of MPI system buffer size
1721 {
1723 {
1726 }
1727 else
1728 {
1730 // NOTE: globalBestIncumbnetValue may be an objective function value of localIncumbentSolution
1731 {
1735 }
1736 else
1737 {
1739 }
1740 }
1742 }
1747 )
1749 // if( paraParams->getBoolParamValue(Deterministic) )
1750 // {
1751 // return true; // always true, in case of deterministic run
1752 // }
1756 {
1758 }
1760 if( !rampUp )
1761 {
1762 if( isRacingStage() )
1763 {
1765 {
1766 return true;
1767 }
1768 else
1769 {
1771 {
1774 {
1775 return true;
1776 }
1777 else
1778 {
1779 return false;
1780 }
1781 }
1782 else
1783 {
1786 {
1787 return true;
1788 }
1789 else
1790 {
1791 return false;
1792 }
1793 }
1794 }
1795 }
1796 else
1797 { // normal ramp-up phase
1798 return true;
1799 }
1800 }
1801 else
1802 {
1804 {
1805 if( noWaitModeSend )
1806 {
1808 {
1811 {
1812 return true;
1813 }
1814 else
1815 {
1816 return false;
1817 }
1818 }
1819 else
1820 {
1823 {
1824 return true;
1825 }
1826 else
1827 {
1828 return false;
1829 }
1830 }
1831 }
1832 else
1833 {
1834 return true;
1835 }
1836 }
1838 {
1841 {
1842 return true;
1843 }
1844 else
1845 {
1846 return false;
1847 }
1848 }
1849 else
1850 {
1853 {
1854 return true;
1855 }
1856 else
1857 {
1858 return false;
1859 }
1860 }
1861 }
1866 long long nNodesSolved,
1867 int nNodesLeft,
1868 double bestDualBoundValue,
1869 double detTime
1870 )
1873 {
1874 int racingStage = 0; /** assume not racing stage */
1875 if( isRacingStage() )
1876 {
1877 racingStage = 1;
1878 }
1879 double tempGlobalBestPrimalBound = DBL_MAX;
1881 {
1882 tempGlobalBestPrimalBound = globalBestIncumbentSolution->getObjectiveFunctionValue();
1883 }
1885 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm);
1886 double dualBound = std::min( std::max( bestDualBoundValue,dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDualBoundValue()), tempGlobalBestPrimalBound );
1888 {
1889 nNodesLeft += selfSplitNodePool->getNumOfNodes();
1890 dualBound = std::min(dualBound, selfSplitNodePool->getBestDualBoundValue());
1891 }
1892 BbParaSolverState *solverState = dynamic_cast<BbParaSolverState *>(bbParaComm->createParaSolverState(
1893 racingStage,
1896 nNodesSolved, nNodesLeft, dualBound,
1897 tempGlobalBestPrimalBound,
1898 detTime,
1900 ));
1901 solverState->send(paraComm, 0, TagSolverState);
1902 delete solverState;
1904 {
1906 }
1907 else
1908 {
1910 }
1911 notificationProcessed = true;
1912 }
1917 int nNodes /**< number of processed nodes, including the focus node */
1918 )
1921 {
1922 return 10;
1923 }
1926 double meanRootNodeTime = ( totalRootNodeTime + rootNodeTime )/(nParaTasksSolved + 1); // +1 is this ParaNode
1927 double meanNodeTime = -1.0; // unrealiable
1928 if( ( compTime - (totalRootNodeTime + rootNodeTime ) ) > 10.0 // less equal than 10.0 sec. treats as unreliable
1929 && meanRootNodeTime > 0.0001 ) // meanRootNode time less equal than 0.0001 sec. treats as unreliable
1930 {
1931 meanNodeTime = ( compTime - (totalRootNodeTime + rootNodeTime ) ) / (totalNSolved + nNodes - nParaTasksSolved);
1932 // compute mean node comp. time except root nodes(nParaNodesSolved+1) and the focus node(-1)
1933 if( meanNodeTime < 0.0 ) meanNodeTime = 0.0;
1934 }
1936 int n;
1937 if( meanNodeTime < 0.000001 )
1938 { // heuristic initial value setting
1939 n = ( rootNodeTime < 0.01 ) ? 100 : ( ( rootNodeTime < 0.1 ) ? 50 : ( (rootNodeTime < 1.0) ? 10 : 5 ) );
1940 }
1941 else
1942 {
1943 if( ( meanRootNodeTime / meanNodeTime ) > 5.0 )
1944 { // base value at least 5.0
1945 n = (int) (
1947 * ( meanRootNodeTime / meanNodeTime ) );
1948 if( n > 100 )
1949 {
1950 if( meanNodeTime > 1.0 )
1951 {
1952 n = 3;
1953 }
1954 else
1955 {
1956 n = 100;
1957 }
1958 }
1959 }
1960 else
1961 { // heuristic value setting
1962 n = ( rootNodeTime < 0.01 ) ? 100 : ( ( rootNodeTime < 0.1 ) ? 50 : ( (rootNodeTime < 1.0) ? 10 : 5 ) );
1963 }
1964 }
1966 if( n < 2 ) n = 2;
1967 return n;
1972 long long n,
1973 int depth,
1974 double dualBound,
1975 double estimateValue,
1976 ParaDiffSubproblem *diffSubproblem
1977 )
1979 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm );
1981 BbParaNode *node = dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(bbParaComm->createParaNode(
1984 paraComm->getRank() ),
1985 -1), // sequentail number is not set
1987 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDepth() + depth,
1988 std::max( dualBound, dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDualBoundValue() ),
1989 dualBound,
1990 estimateValue,
1991 diffSubproblem
1992 ));
1993 double inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
1994 node->send(paraComm, 0);
1995 delete node;
1996 int tag;
1997 int status;
1999 {
2001 for(;;)
2002 {
2005 if( tag == TagTaskReceived )
2006 {
2007 break;
2008 }
2009 status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(0, tag);
2010 if( status )
2011 {
2012 std::ostringstream s;
2013 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
2014 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
2015 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
2016 abort();
2017 }
2018 inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2019 }
2021 //
2022 // receive the NULL message for TagNodeReceived
2023 //
2024 status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(0, tag);
2025 if( status )
2026 {
2027 std::ostringstream s;
2028 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
2029 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
2030 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
2031 abort();
2032 }
2033 waitingSpecificMessage = false;
2034 }
2035 nSent++;
2037 if( nCollectOnce > 0 ) nCollectOnce--;
2040 if( isBreaking() ) nTransferredNodes++;
2045 long long n,
2046 int depth,
2047 double dualBound,
2048 double estimateValue,
2049 ParaDiffSubproblem *diffSubproblem
2050 )
2052 DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(bbParaComm, paraComm );
2054 BbParaNode *node = dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(bbParaComm->createParaNode(
2057 paraComm->getRank() ),
2058 -1), // sequentail number is not set
2060 dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDepth() + depth,
2061 std::max( dualBound, dynamic_cast<BbParaNode *>(currentTask)->getDualBoundValue() ),
2062 dualBound,
2063 estimateValue,
2064 diffSubproblem
2065 ));
2066 // double inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2067 node->sendNewSubtreeRoot(paraComm, 0);
2073 double bestDualBoundValue
2074 )
2076 if( anotherNodeIsRequested ) return;
2077 if( selfSplitNodePool && (!selfSplitNodePool->isEmpty()) ) return;
2078 if( givenGapIsReached ) return;
2080 paraComm->send( &bestDualBoundValue, 1, ParaDOUBLE, 0, TagAnotherNodeRequest)
2081 );
2088 double newValue
2089 )
2091 if( newValue < globalBestCutOffValue ){
2092 globalBestCutOffValue = newValue;
2093 return true;
2094 } else {
2095 return false;
2096 }
2101 )
2104 !rampUp ||
2106 {
2108 }
2113 )
2115 assert( !paraInstance );
2118 subproblemFreed = true;
2120 // paraInstance = paraComm->createParaInstance();
2121 // paraInstance->bcast(paraComm, 0, paraParams->getIntParamValue(InstanceTransferMethod));
2122 reinitialize();
2124 if( !keepRacing )
2125 {
2126 assert(newTask == 0);
2130 );
2133 }
2134 racingIsInterrupted = false;
2135 restartingRacing = false;
2139/*** sendIfImprovedSolutionWasFound routine should be removed in the future **/
2142 ParaSolution *sol
2143 )
2148 {
2151 assert( localIncumbentSolution == 0 );
2152 sol->send(paraComm, 0);
2153 delete sol;
2154 //
2155 // shoul not do as follows. LC does not know which nodes were removed
2156 //
2157 // if( selfSplitNodePool )
2158 // {
2159 // selfSplitNodePool->removeBoundedNodes(globalBestIncumbentValue);
2160 // }
2162 return true;
2163 }
2164 else
2165 {
2166 delete sol;
2167 return false;
2168 }
2173 ParaSolution *sol
2174 )
2176 if( EPSLT( sol->getObjectiveFunctionValue(), globalBestIncumbentValue, eps ) ) // compare to globalBestIncumbentValue
2177 { // no solution sending is accepted!!!
2178 // globalBestIncumbentValue = sol->getObjectiveFuntionValue(); // should not update globalBestIncumbentValue and flag
2179 // globalIncumbnetValueUpdateFlag = true; // thease are updated only when the value comes from outside
2181 {
2183 {
2184 // there is a possibility to be updated several times
2189 return true;
2190 }
2191 else
2192 {
2194 {
2198 return false;
2199 }
2200 else
2201 {
2202 // could check an identical solution
2204 return true;
2205 }
2206 }
2207 }
2208 else
2209 {
2213 return true;
2214 }
2215 }
2216 else
2217 {
2218 delete sol;
2219 return false;
2220 }
2225 double newValue
2226 )
2228 if( newValue < globalBestIncumbentValue ){
2229 globalBestIncumbentValue = newValue;
2231 return true;
2232 } else {
2233 return false;
2234 }
2239 ParaSolution *sol
2240 )
2243 {
2245 {
2246 if( sol != globalBestIncumbentSolution ) // can have the same pointer address
2247 {
2250 }
2252 {
2255 }
2256 return true;
2257 }
2258 else
2259 {
2260 return false;
2261 }
2262 }
2263 else
2264 {
2267 {
2270 // std::cout << "R." << paraComm->getRank() << ", pendingIncumbentValue = " << pendingIncumbentValue << std::endl;
2271 }
2272 return true;
2273 }
2278 )
2280 double inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2281 int tag;
2282 int status;
2284 for(;;)
2285 {
2288 if( tag == TagNotificationId )
2289 {
2290 break;
2291 }
2292 status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(0, tag);
2293 if( status )
2294 {
2295 std::ostringstream s;
2296 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
2297 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
2298 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
2299 abort();
2300 }
2301 inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2302 }
2304 //
2305 // receive the notification Id message
2306 //
2307 // status = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(0, tag);
2308 status = processTagNotificationId(0,tag);
2309 if( status )
2310 {
2311 std::ostringstream s;
2312 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
2313 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
2314 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
2315 abort();
2316 }
2317 waitingSpecificMessage = false;
2322 )
2324 double inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2325 int tag;
2326 int hstatus;
2328 for(;;)
2329 {
2332 if( tag == TagAckCompletion )
2333 {
2334 break;
2335 }
2336 hstatus = (this->*messageHandler[tag])(0, tag);
2337 if( hstatus )
2338 {
2339 std::ostringstream s;
2340 s << "[ERROR RETURN form Message Hander]:" << __FILE__ << "] func = "
2341 << __func__ << ", line = " << __LINE__ << " - "
2342 << "process tag = " << tag << std::endl;
2343 abort();
2344 }
2346 inIdleTime = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2347 }
2348 double current = paraTimer->getElapsedTime();
2349 double idleTime = current - inIdleTime;
2350 idleTimeToWaitAckCompletion += idleTime;
2352 current < paraParams->getRealParamValue(CheckpointInterval) &&
2353 idleTime > 1.0 )
2354 {
2357 }
2358 if( tag == TagAckCompletion )
2359 {
2360 //
2361 // receive the notification Id message
2362 //
2365 );
2366 }
2367 waitingSpecificMessage = false;
Base class for calculation state.
#define DEF_BB_PARA_COMM(para_comm, comm)
Base class of communicator for UG Framework.
BbParaNode Pool.
This class has solver state to be transferred.
This class contains solver termination state which is transferred form Solver to LC.
Base class for solver: Generic parallelized solver.
Base class of Calculation state in a ParaSolver.
class BbParaNodePoolForMinimization
virtual void insert(BbParaNodePtr node)=0
insert BbParaNode to this pool
virtual BbParaNodePtr extractNode()=0
extract a BbParaNode object from this pool
virtual double getBestDualBoundValue()=0
get best dual bound value of BbParaNode object in this pool
virtual bool isEmpty()=0
check if this pool is empty or not
virtual size_t getNumOfNodes()=0
get number of BbParaNodes in this pool
class BbParaNode
Definition: bbParaNode.h:62
int getMergingStatus()
get merging status
Definition: bbParaNode.h:678
virtual int sendSubtreeRootNodeId(ParaComm *comm, int destination, int tag)=0
send subtree root to be removed
int getDepth()
getter of depth
Definition: bbParaNode.h:283
virtual int send(ParaComm *comm, int destination)=0
send this object
virtual int sendNewSubtreeRoot(ParaComm *comm, int destination)=0
send new subtree root node
double getDualBoundValue()
getter of dual bound value
Definition: bbParaNode.h:303
class BbParaSolverState (ParaSolver state object for notification message)
class BbParaSolverTerminationState (Solver termination state in a ParaSolver)
virtual void sendSolverState(long long nNodesSolved, int nNodesLeft, double bestDualBoundValue, double detTime)
send Solver state to LoadCoordinator
int minTransferredLocalCuts
minimum number of local cuts (including conflict cuts) transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:121
virtual bool wasTerminatedNormally()=0
check if Solver was terminated normally or not
virtual void sendCompletionOfCalculation(double stopTime)
send completion of calculation
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:438
bool givenGapIsReached
indicate that the given gap is reached or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:142
virtual void setOriginalNodeSelectionStrategy()=0
set original node selection strategy
virtual void restartRacing()
restart racing
bool keepRacing
indicate if Solver needs to do racing ramp-up repeatedly in case of warm start
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:145
int minNSolved
minimum number of subtree nodes rooted from ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:103
virtual int processTagSolution(int source, int tag)
process TagSolution
bool restartingRacing
indicate that this solver is restarting racing
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:146
int nSendInCollectingMode
number of nodes need to send in collecting mode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:75
virtual long long getNNodesSolved()=0
get number of nodes solved
double globalBestCutOffValue
global best cut off value
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:71
virtual void run()
virtual int processTagTerminateSolvingToRestart(int source, int tag)
process TagTerminateSolvingToRestart
virtual int processTagLCBestBoundValue(int source, int tag)
process TagLCBestBoundValue
virtual void waitAckCompletion()
wait ack completion to synchronized with LoadCoordinator
virtual bool sendIfImprovedSolutionWasFound(ParaSolution *sol)
send improved solution if it was found in this Solver
virtual int processTagWinner(int source, int tag)
process TagWinner
int nTransferredBendersCuts
number of benders cuts transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:123
bool aggressiveCollecting
indicate that if this solver has two nodes, this solver sends one to LC
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:74
virtual void createSubproblem()=0
create subproblem
double globalBestDualBoundValueAtWarmStart
global best dual bound value which is set when system warm starts
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:70
int nSolved
Counters related to the current ParaNode.
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:95
int maxNSolved
maximum number of subtree nodes rooted from ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:104
virtual bool updateGlobalBestCutOffValue(double newValue)
update global best cutoff value
bool collectingManyNodes
indicate that many nodes collecting is requested by LC
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:77
bool localIncumbentIsChecked
indicate if a local incumbent solution is checked or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:147
virtual bool updateGlobalBestIncumbentSolution(ParaSolution *sol)
update global best incumbent solution
virtual int processTagGivenGapIsReached(int source, int tag)
process TagGivenGapIsReached
int nTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver
number of local cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:105
int nTightened
the number of tightened variable bounds in racing
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:126
virtual void sendSolverTerminationState()
send Solver termination state
int maxRestarts
maximum number of restarts
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:113
virtual int processTagBreaking(int source, int tag)
process TagBreaking
virtual int processTagTaskReceived(int source, int tag)
process TagTaskReceived
bool collectingInterrupt
when the solver is interrupted, all nodes are collected to LC
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:78
int maxTransferredLocalCuts
maximum number of local cuts (including conflict cuts) transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:122
virtual void solveToCheckEffectOfRootNodePreprocesses()
solve to check effect of root node preprocesses
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:535
int maxTransferredBendersCuts
maximum number of benders cuts transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:125
bool onceBreak
indicate that the sub-MIP is broken down once
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:82
virtual int processTagNoTestDualBoundGain(int source, int tag)
process TagNoTestDualBoundGain
virtual int processTagInterruptRequest(int source, int tag)
process TagInterruptRequest
int totalNSolved
Counters related to this BbParaSolver.
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:102
virtual int processTagKeepRacing(int source, int tag)
process TagKeepRacing
virtual int processTagCollectAllNodes(int source, int tag)
process TagCollectAllNodes
virtual int getNRestarts()
get number of restarts (Derived class for SCIP should override this function)
bool enoughGainObtained
indicate that the root node process improved dual bound enough or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:140
virtual bool updateGlobalBestIncumbentValue(double newValue)
update global best incumbent value
virtual void issueInterruptSolve()
issue interrupt to solve
virtual int processTagTerminateRequest(int source, int tag)
process TagTerminateRequest
virtual void waitMessageIfNecessary()
wait a notification id message if it is needed to synchronize with LoadCoordinaor
int nParaNodesSolvedAtRoot
number of ParaNodes solved at root node
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:116
void setRootNodeSimplexIter(int iter)
set number of simplex iteration at root node
bool lightWeightRootNodeComputation
indicate that fast root node computation is required
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:80
virtual int processTagWinnerRacingRampUpParamSet(int source, int tag)
process TagWinnerRacingRampUpParamSet
int nSimplexIterRoot
number of simplex iteration at root node
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:119
void resetBreakingInfo()
reset breaking information
int maxNii
maximum number of integer infeasibility
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:131
int minTransferredBendersCuts
minimum number of benders cuts transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:124
virtual void waitNotificationIdMessage()
wait notification id message to synchronized with LoadCoordinator
virtual void notifySelfSplitFinished()
notify Self-Split finished
void setSendBackAllNodes()
set counter and flag to indicate that all nodes are sent to LoadCooordinator
double maxRootNodeTime
maximum time consumed by root node process
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:90
virtual int processTagUbBoundTightened(int source, int tag)
process TagUbBoundTightened
int nCollectOnce
number of nodes need to collect once
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:76
void passToken(int rank)
pass token to the next process
virtual int processTagInCollectingMode(int source, int tag)
process TagInCollectingMode
virtual bool receiveNewTaskAndReactivate()
wait for receiving a new node and reactivate solver
virtual void sendLocalSolution()
send solution found in this Solver
int(BbParaSolver::* BbMessageHandlerFunctionPointer)(int, int)
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:68
virtual int processTagLbBoundTightened(int source, int tag)
process TagLbBoundTightened
virtual void setOriginalRootNodeProcess()
set original root node process
virtual int processTagRampUp(int source, int tag)
process TagRampUp
virtual int processTagRestart(int source, int tag)
process TagRestart
virtual void iReceiveMessages()
non-blocking receive messages
virtual int processTagNoNodes(int source, int tag)
process TagNoNodes
virtual void sendCompletionOfCalculationWithoutSolving(double stopTime, int tag, int nSelfSplitNodesLeft)
send completion of calculation with arguments
double rootNodeTime
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:87
virtual void keepParaNode(long long n, int depth, double dualBound, double estimateValue, ParaDiffSubproblem *diffSubproblem)
keep a branch-and-bound node as ParaNode to LoadCoordinator
int nSolvedWithNoPreprocesses
number of nodes solved when it is solved with no preprocesses
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:97
bool collectingMode
indicate whether if this solver is in collecting mode or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:73
virtual int processTagGlobalBestDualBoundValueAtWarmStart(int source, int tag)
process TagGlobalBestDualBoundValueAtWarmStart
double lcBestDualBoundValue
LoadCoordinator best dual bound value.
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:72
virtual int processTagLightWeightRootNodeProcess(int source, int tag)
process TagLightWeightRootNodeProcess
virtual void sendParaNode(long long n, int depth, double dualBound, double estimateValue, ParaDiffSubproblem *diffSubproblem)
send a branch-and-bound node as ParaNode to LoadCoordinator
virtual void sendAnotherNodeRequest(double bestDualBoundValue)
send another node request
double maxIisum
maximum sum of integer infeasibility
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:129
virtual void solve()=0
solve (sub)problem
int totalNSent
accumulated number of nodes sent from this BbParaSolver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:114
bool isBreaking()
check if Solver is in racing stage or not
int minRestarts
minimum number of restarts
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:112
BbParaNodePool * selfSplitNodePool
Pool in Solver.
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:152
virtual int processTagTask(int source, int tag)
process TagNode
double solverDualBound
dual bound value achieved for a subproblem
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:137
int nTightenedInt
the number of tightened integral variable bounds in racing
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:127
virtual int processTagCutOffValue(int source, int tag)
process TagCutOffValue
int nTransferredNodes
keep track number of transferred nodes for breaking
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:135
virtual void setLightWeightRootNodeProcess()
set light weight root node process
int nTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver
number of benders cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:108
virtual int getNTightenedInt()
get number of tightened integral variables during racing
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:577
double targetBound
target bound value for breaking
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:133
virtual void writeSubproblem()=0
write subproblem
virtual double getDualBoundValue()=0
get dual bound value
virtual int getNTightened()
get number of tightened variables during racing
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:568
bool isRacingStage()
check if Solver is in racing stage or not
double minRootNodeTime
minimum time consumed by root node process
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:89
virtual void setRootNodeTime()
set root node computing time
bool anotherNodeIsRequested
indicate that another node is requested or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:79
bool testDualBoundGain
indicate that the dual bound gain needs to test or not
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:143
virtual int ubBoundTightened(int source, int tag)
upper bound of variable tightened
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:557
int minTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver
minimum number of local cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:106
virtual int lbBoundTightened(int source, int tag)
lower bound of variable tightened
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:545
virtual int getNNodesLeft()=0
get number of nodes left
virtual int processTagToken(int source, int tag)
process TagToken
virtual void setWinnerRacingParams(ParaRacingRampUpParamSet *racingParms)=0
set winner racing parameters
virtual long long getSimplexIter()=0
get number of simplex iterations
double averageDualBoundGain
average dual bound gain
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:139
virtual int processTagIncumbentValue(int source, int tag)
process TagIncumbentValue
int minTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver
minimum number of benders cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:109
int nParaNodesSolvedAtPreCheck
number of ParaNodes solved at pre-checking of root node solvability
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:117
virtual int processTagRetryRampUp(int source, int tag)
process TagRetryRampUp
double minIisum
minimum sum of integer infeasibility
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:128
virtual int processTagTestDualBoundGain(int source, int tag)
process TagTestDualBoundGain
virtual int processTagNoWaitModeSend(int source, int tag)
process TagNoWaitModeSend
virtual void tryNewSolution(ParaSolution *sol)=0
try to enter solution to base solver environment
int minNii
minimum number of integer infeasibility
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:130
int maxTransferredBendersCutsFromSolver
maximum number of benders cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:110
int nTransferLimit
limit number of transferring nodes for breaking
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:134
virtual void freeSubproblem()=0
free subproblem
virtual bool saveIfImprovedSolutionWasFound(ParaSolution *sol)
save improved solution if it was found in this Solver
virtual int getThresholdValue(int nNodes)
get threshold value to send ParaNodes to LoadCoordinator
int nSent
number of ParaNodes sent from this subtree rooted from the current ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:96
int maxTransferredLocalCutsFromSolver
maximum number of local cuts transferred from this Solver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:107
int nTransferredLocalCuts
number of local cuts (including conflict cuts) transferred from a ParaNode
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:120
double totalRootNodeTime
accumulated root node process time solved by this solver so far
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:88
virtual int processTagOutCollectingMode(int source, int tag)
process TagOutCollectingMode
int totalNImprovedIncumbent
accumulated number of improvements of incumbent value in this BbParaSolver
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:115
virtual bool notificationIsNecessary()
check if a notification message needs to send or not
int nTotalRestarts
number of total restarts
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:111
virtual int processTagNotificationId(int source, int tag)
process TagNotificationId
bool noWaitModeSend
indicate that no wait mode sending is applied
Definition: bbParaSolver.h:144
bool waitToken(int rank)
wait token for deterministic mode
virtual void send(ParaComm *comm, int destination, int tag)=0
send this object to destination
Base class of communicator object.
Definition: paraComm.h:102
virtual ParaRacingRampUpParamSet * createParaRacingRampUpParamSet()=0
create ParaRacingRampUpParamSet object
virtual void setToken(int rank, int *token)
set received token to this communicator
Definition: paraComm.h:221
virtual ParaSolution * createParaSolution()=0
create ParaSolution object by default constructor
virtual bool probe(int *source, int *tag)=0
No need to take action for fault tolerant, when the functions return. So, they do not rerun status va...
virtual ParaTask * createParaTask()=0
create ParaTask object by default constructor
virtual int send(void *bufer, int count, const int datatypeId, int dest, const int tag)=0
send function for standard ParaData types
virtual int receive(void *bufer, int count, const int datatypeId, int source, const int tag)=0
receive function for standard ParaData types
virtual bool iProbe(int *source, int *tag)=0
iProbe function which checks if a new message is arrived or not
virtual int getRank()=0
get rank of this process or this thread depending on run-time environment
virtual void waitSpecTagFromSpecSource(const int source, const int tag, int *receivedTag)=0
wait function for a specific tag from a specific source coming from
class for deterministic timer
virtual void update(double value)=0
update function of the deterministic time. the deterministic time is a kind of counter
virtual double getElapsedTime()=0
getter of the deterministic time
Class for the difference between instance and subproblem.
class for instance data
Definition: paraInstance.h:51
class ParaParamSet
Definition: paraParamSet.h:850
bool getBoolParamValue(int param)
get bool parameter value
void setIntParamValue(int param, int value)
set int parameter value
double getRealParamValue(int param)
get real parameter value
int getIntParamValue(int param)
get int parameter value
void setRealParamValue(int param, double value)
set real parameter value
virtual int receive(ParaComm *comm, int source)=0
receive ParaRacingRampUpParamSet
class for solution
Definition: paraSolution.h:54
virtual double getObjectiveFunctionValue()=0
get objective function value
virtual void send(ParaComm *comm, int destination)=0
send solution data
virtual void receive(ParaComm *comm, int source)=0
receive solution data
virtual void send(ParaComm *comm, int destination, int tag)=0
send this object
virtual void send(ParaComm *comm, int destination, int tag)=0
send this object
class ParaSolver
Definition: paraSolver.h:71
double idleTimeToWaitNotificationId
idle time to wait a message within collecting mode
Definition: paraSolver.h:121
bool rampUp
indicate whether if ramp-up phase is finished or not: true - finish
Definition: paraSolver.h:104
virtual void updatePendingSolution()
update pending solution
Definition: paraSolver.h:759
ParaParamSet * paraParams
ParaParamSet object.
Definition: paraSolver.h:83
ParaComm * paraComm
ParaCommunicator object.
Definition: paraSolver.h:82
bool stayAliveAfterInterrupt
indicate that stay alive this solver after interrupt request
Definition: paraSolver.h:149
double paraTaskStartTime
start time of current ParaTask
Definition: paraSolver.h:112
ParaTask * currentTask
solving task
Definition: paraSolver.h:97
bool notificationProcessed
if true, notification is issued but not receive the corresponding LCB
Definition: paraSolver.h:140
bool racingInterruptIsRequested
indicate a racing interrupt is requested
Definition: paraSolver.h:105
int nParaTasksReceived
Counters related to this ParaSolver.
Definition: paraSolver.h:135
double idleTimeBetweenParaTasks
idle time between ParaTasks processing
Definition: paraSolver.h:119
bool waitingSpecificMessage
indicate that this solver is waiting for a specific message
Definition: paraSolver.h:108
double previousNotificationTime
previous notification time
Definition: paraSolver.h:111
bool racingIsInterrupted
indicate whether if racing phases is interrupted or not: true - interrupted
Definition: paraSolver.h:106
double pendingIncumbentValue
incumbent value which is pending to update in case of deterministic runs
Definition: paraSolver.h:95
ParaSolution * globalBestIncumbentSolution
global best solution. However, this is not always feasible for the current sub-MIP
Definition: paraSolver.h:92
double previousIdleTimeToWaitToken
previous idle time to wait token
Definition: paraSolver.h:124
virtual void reinitialize()
re-initialized instance
Definition: paraSolver.h:378
bool memoryLimitIsReached
indicate if memory limit is reached or not, when base solver has memory management feature
Definition: paraSolver.h:109
unsigned int notificationIdGenerator
Definition: paraSolver.h:80
ParaRacingRampUpParamSet * winnerRacingParams
Winner ParaRacingRampUpParamSet object.
Definition: paraSolver.h:86
double eps
absolute values smaller than this are considered zero esp should be set in the constructor of the der...
Definition: paraSolver.h:142
ParaSolution * localIncumbentSolution
incumbent solution generated in local solver
Definition: paraSolver.h:93
ParaSolution * pendingSolution
solution which is pending to update in case of deterministic runs
Definition: paraSolver.h:94
double idleTimeToWaitToken
idle time to wait token
Definition: paraSolver.h:123
ParaTimer * paraTimer
timer for this ParaSolver
Definition: paraSolver.h:88
void terminateRacing()
terminate racing stage
Definition: paraSolver.h:677
double idleTimeToWaitAckCompletion
idle time to wait acknowledgment of completion
Definition: paraSolver.h:122
ParaRacingRampUpParamSet * racingParams
ParaRacingRampUpParamSet object. This is also a flag to indicate running with racing ramp-up.
Definition: paraSolver.h:84
int nImprovedIncumbent
Counters related to the current ParaTask.
Definition: paraSolver.h:130
bool isWarmStarted()
check if current execution is warm start (restart) or not
Definition: paraSolver.h:428
double previousStopTime
Idle Times.
Definition: paraSolver.h:117
double idleTimeAfterLastParaTask
idle time after the last ParaTask was solved
Definition: paraSolver.h:120
ParaTask * newTask
new task to solve
Definition: paraSolver.h:98
double globalBestIncumbentValue
global best incumbent value
Definition: paraSolver.h:91
bool racingWinner
indicate racing ramp-up winner or not: true - winner
Definition: paraSolver.h:107
bool globalIncumbnetValueUpdateFlag
indicate that global incumbent value is updated in iReceiveMessages() routine
Definition: paraSolver.h:139
double previousCommTime
previous communication time for deterministic execution
Definition: paraSolver.h:145
bool subproblemFreed
indicate that subproblem is already freed or not
Definition: paraSolver.h:147
ParaDeterministicTimer * paraDetTimer
deterministic timer for this ParaSolver
Definition: paraSolver.h:89
double idleTimeToFirstParaTask
idle time to start solving the first ParaTask
Definition: paraSolver.h:118
int nParaTasksSolved
number of ParaTasks solved ( received ) in this ParaSolver
Definition: paraSolver.h:136
MessageHandlerFunctionPointer * messageHandler
table for message handlers
Definition: paraSolver.h:78
int terminationMode
indicate that termination mode 0: no termination mode 1: normal termination mode 2: interrupted termi...
Definition: paraSolver.h:99
ParaInstance * paraInstance
root problem instance
Definition: paraSolver.h:96
virtual int bcast(ParaComm *comm, int root)=0
broadcast this object
TaskId taskId
solving task information
Definition: paraTask.h:549
virtual int receive(ParaComm *comm, int source)=0
receive this object
int getGlobalSubtaskIdInLc()
getter of global subtask id in Solvers managed by LoadCoordinator
Definition: paraTask.h:752
int getLcId()
getter of LoadCoordinator id
Definition: paraTask.h:742
virtual double getElapsedTime()=0
get elapsed time
SubtaskId class.
Definition: paraTask.h:61
int globalSubtaskIdInLc
Global Subtask ID in Solvers managed by LoadCoordinator.
Definition: paraTask.h:64
int lcId
LoadCoordinator ID.
Definition: paraTask.h:63
TaskId class.
Definition: paraTask.h:223
SubtaskId subtaskId
subtree id
Definition: paraTask.h:227
static ScipParaCommTh * comm
Definition: fscip.cpp:73
static bool interrupted
Definition: fscip.cpp:78
static const int TagLCBestBoundValue
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:53
static const int TagAckCompletion
Definition: paraTagDef.h:62
static const int TagAnotherNodeRequest
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:48
static const int TagCompletionOfCalculation
Definition: paraTagDef.h:54
static const int CompTerminatedByInterruptRequest
Definition: paraDef.h:184
static const int TagCutOffValue
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:66
static const int TagWinner
Definition: paraTagDef.h:60
static const int TagLightWeightRootNodeProcess
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:54
static const int CompInterruptedInRacingStage
Definition: paraDef.h:186
static const int CompTerminatedByAnotherTask
Definition: paraDef.h:183
static const int TagTerminateSolvingToRestart
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:70
static const int CheckpointInterval
Definition: paraParamSet.h:107
static const int FinalCheckpointGeneratingTime
Definition: paraParamSet.h:108
static const int TagToken
Definition: paraTagDef.h:63
static const int TagTaskReceived
Definition: paraTagDef.h:48
static const int CompTerminatedByMemoryLimit
Definition: paraDef.h:189
static const int TagInterruptRequest
Definition: paraTagDef.h:57
static const int TagSelfSplitFinished
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:71
static const int NotificationInterval
Definition: paraParamSet.h:105
static const int TagNotificationId
Definition: paraTagDef.h:55
static const int NotificationSynchronization
Definition: paraParamSet.h:88
static const int NoTerminationMode
termination mode
Definition: paraSolver.h:60
static const int EnhancedCheckpointStartTime
static const int TagIncumbentValue
Definition: paraTagDef.h:52
static const int TagLbBoundTightenedIndex
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:62
static const int TagCollectAllNodes
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:51
static const int ParaINT
Definition: paraComm.h:66
static const int TagRestart
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:61
static const int TagGivenGapIsReached
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:56
static const int TagTerminated
Definition: paraTagDef.h:58
static const int TagGlobalBestDualBoundValueAtWarmStart
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:47
static const int TagUbBoundTightenedIndex
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:64
static const int TagNoWaitModeSend
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:60
static const int CheckEffectOfRootNodePreprocesses
static const int TagTerminateRequest
Definition: paraTagDef.h:56
static const int NormalTerminationMode
Definition: paraSolver.h:61
static const int TimeLimit
Definition: paraParamSet.h:106
static const int CompTerminatedByTimeLimit
Definition: paraDef.h:188
static const int TagAny
Definition: paraTagDef.h:44
static const int TimeLimitTerminationMode
Definition: paraSolver.h:63
static const int ParaBYTE
Definition: paraComm.h:79
static const int ParaUNSIGNED
Definition: paraComm.h:72
static const int TagRampUp
Definition: paraTagDef.h:50
static const int TagSolverState
Definition: paraTagDef.h:53
static const int TagTermStateForInterruption
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:77
static const int Deterministic
Definition: paraParamSet.h:76
static const int RampUpPhaseProcess
static const int TagReassignSelfSplitSubtreeRootNode
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:75
static const int BgapCollectingMode
static const int TagNoTestDualBoundGain
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:59
static const int CompTerminatedNormally
Definition: paraDef.h:182
static const int CompInterruptedInMerging
Definition: paraDef.h:187
static const int InterruptedTerminationMode
Definition: paraSolver.h:62
static const int TagBreaking
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:55
static const int TagSelfSplitTermStateForInterruption
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:78
static const int MultiplierToDetermineThresholdValue
static const int NoTransferThresholdReductionRatio
static const int CompTerminatedInRacingStage
Definition: paraDef.h:185
static const int TagRetryRampUp
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:46
static const int TagTask
Definition: paraTagDef.h:47
static const int TagKeepRacing
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:69
static const int TagOutCollectingMode
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:52
static const int EnhancedFinalCheckpoint
static const int TagSubtreeRootNodeStartComputation
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:73
static const int DynamicAdjustNotificationInterval
Definition: paraParamSet.h:78
static const int TagInCollectingMode
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:50
static const int TagSelfSlpitNodeCalcuationState
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:76
static const int TagTestDualBoundGain
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:58
static const int TagNoNodes
Definition: bbParaTagDef.h:49
static const int ParaDOUBLE
Definition: paraComm.h:76
static const int SetAllDefaultsAfterRacing
static const int CommunicateTighterBoundsInRacing
Base class of communicator for UG Framework.
#define PARA_COMM_CALL(paracommcall)
Definition: paraComm.h:47
Definition: paraDef.h:49
#define EPSLE(x, y, eps)
Definition: paraDef.h:168
#define EPSLT(x, y, eps)
Definition: paraDef.h:167
#define THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR4(msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4)
Definition: paraDef.h:103
#define THROW_LOGICAL_ERROR3(msg1, msg2, msg3)
Definition: paraDef.h:86
Base class for instance data.
Base class for solution.
Base class for ParaTask.